

Who will run this errand?
Who will tell him on my behalf?
Who will go where I don’t know
To meet the one I don’t know?

Truly, his location is unknown
And his description is also unknown

I just need someone to tell him of the trips I make each time I close my eyes at night
Hoping that when I open them
I’ll see my dream in front of me

I need someone to tell him I’m tired of muttering strange words like a baby 

I want to know his name

And call it my way

Will you help me tell him

that I love to talk?

And he has to love to listen

Tell him, he would need an extra pair of ears
‘Cause when he’s not talking to me 

I’ll still need his ears

Please help me tell him
That I am not a racist
And what I seek is a man of Love
For my God is love

Don’t forget to mention my love for mirrors
And how I’ve always longed for a mirror that can talk to me
Tell me what’s left to adjust
Without getting tired of me

Tell him that I will wait
And I am waiting
Unlike the patient dog, I don’t want just the bone
I want flesh, flesh of my flesh

Tell him I know the way to a man’s heart
And will occasionally let him indulge in pastries
Tell him I also know that man shall not live by bread alone

Remember to tell him that I am not perfect
I am very capable of failing and flopping
But I am a work in progress

Tell him that my friends want to meet him
They are waiting to know him

He needs to know
He has to know
I don’t know where he is
But, who will go?


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